Associated Trans
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(095) 956 85 38
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About company

During the long time the Company "Associated Trans" successfully works at the market of the services in the field of transport logistics and consulting in international, administrative-economic, taxes laws. The Assotiative principle of the work in the field of transport logistics has allowed us to organize the work of delivery cargo and goods to the public consumption of final consumer, using reliable and high skilled partners of logistic chain. The Principles of the work with use customs audit allow to provide the high level in reliability of the provided services.

Many years' experience (from 7 years and more) of all managers our company in the field of transport, logisticses, law, consulting allows to get for our constent partners and client high-quality service, and for the company to hold high ratings among competitors. All employees of the company have a higher education, as well as in company work the candidates of the sciences.

Organizing-structured principles of company, built with provision of experience and requirements of the external ambience, in the aggregates with using of modern methods of information-digital handling of information and artificial intelligence, allow high effectively to use the experiences of russian and foreign experts in the field of logistics and customs, as well as constantly update and increase the own database and develop the decision programme products in the field of logistic networks.

The structure of the company consists of the following divisions:

  • division of custom audit and administrative-legal evaluation of activity;
  • division of transport logistic;
  • division of economic logistic;
  • division of management representation;
  • division of consultation on CC;
  • division of expeditionary support.

Employees of our company when work with client take into account all nuances and particularities to situations, as well as all possible wishes of the customer.
Specialists of «Associated Trans» always ready to give the professional consultation about full fange of client's interests in the field concerning foreign economic activity, arranging of agreements; inform about the schedule of deliveries and will recommend the most optimum terms of delivery of the goods.